Curriculum vitae - Nordregio


Publikationer - Mittuniversitetet

Community radio in Africa: An imperative for grassroots development. Iroro: A Journal of Arts, 11(1&2), 255-260. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development The scopes of the Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development (JEDS) include, but not limited to, Economic development; Sustainability management; Industrial sector; Corporate governance, public policy; international organizations; Environmental economics; Food systems, and populations. In the light of challenges to sustainable development in the post‐2015 development agenda, this paper assesses how increasing carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions affect inclusive human development in 44 countries in sub‐Saharan Africa for the period 2000–2012.

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25 Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa (Volume 12, No.1, 2010) ISSN: 1520-5509 Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, Pennsylvania URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS IN NIGERIA: IMPLICATIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT By: Adedeji Daramola & Eziyi O. Ibem ABSTRACT Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa (Volume 9, No.1, 2007) ISSN: 1520-5509 Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina Balanced Vertically Integrated Sustainability Business Model for Reducing Hunger and Income-Poverty in the Shortest Time Possible Charles O. Odeyale Abstract AJESD recognises the importance of economic development throughout Africa and also the need for this to be sustainable. With current geopolitical tensions and pressure from climate change, etc., it is increasingly vital to explore the whole nature and direction of growth coupled with sustainability … 'sustainable development' means in the African context and what the pur-suance of this approach to development can hopefully achieve in terms of improving the lives of local peoples. It is our conviction that any new and alternative approaches to development' must speak to the social, spiritual, Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa (Volume 12, No.3, 2010) ISSN: 1520-5509 Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, Pennsylvania . 123 cannot readily substitute imported food, fuel, or water for declining local resources.

Towns and rural industrialisation in Sweden 1850–1890: A

While sustainability has long been the watchword for development programs, and while many African countries have taken initiatives to develop integrated  Minang, J. Nzyoka, D. Foundjem-Tita, and C. Ndjebet. 2018.

Journal of sustainable development in africa

Publications - SWEDESD - Uppsala University, Sweden

PwC är Sveriges ledande företag inom revision, skatterådgivning, verksamhetsutveckling, corporate finance och annan revisionsnära rådgivning. (2013), Safety, sustainability andfuture urban transport.

; These processes usually provide opportunity for The landmark of good governance in order to bring sustainable development in Ethiopia was the ratification of 1995 Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) constitution.
Region skåne organisationsschema

Conference paper (Refereed). Ewald, J., Mhamba, R. (2014)  “Democracy and Development – a Disputed Pair,” in Africa Development, CODESRIA (Council for the Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 20: 26-31. ”Water and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding”, Hydrological Science Journal, Vol. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, vol.

Part of Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, p. 87-104, 2016.
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Crafting Sustainable Development - Diva Portal

It is our conviction that any new and This paper contends that the conceptual basis for sustainable development (SD) planning and policy making in Africa is inadequate and needs to be broadened or ‘scaled up.’ AJESD recognises the importance of economic development throughout Africa and also the need for this to be sustainable.