South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis av



Intra- and inter-national imbalances and migration 1. INTRODUCTION It is a commonly-held view that human migrations are driven by economic, demographic, political, environmental, or other imbalances among countries. From this perspective, migration can be understood through metaphors drawn from physics or chemistry, for example the Intra-EU labour migration: flows, effects and policy responses WP 2009.03 update spring 2011 7 thesised findings from our book “EU Labour Migration since Enlargement: Trends, Impacts and Policies”. Based on its national case studies we discuss empirical patterns and dimensions of labour migration after the 2004 en- The EU-Turkey deal was closed between the European Union and Turkey to close this dangerous route in March 2016, and illegal migration decreased significantly via this route since then. First public recommendation on intra-EU migration 2013-11-08 October 30, 2013, Brussles, Belgium: For the first time, a European network of public institutions has explicitly referred to intra-EU migration of children and the necessity to cater to their accommodation needs .

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27 Oct 2020 The number of migrants illegally entering the European Union via Turkey this year has dropped sharply, according to a media report. The figure  With the decision 2008/381/EC, the European Migration Network gets a legal basis in EU level. In this framework Greece participates in the Network actively. Intra-EU migration and social rights: an introduction. Martin Seeleib-Kaiser and Frans Pennings. Marshall (1950) conceptualizes citizenship as a status of  Intra-EU Migration: Legal and Economic View on Jobseekers' Welfare Rights. Arbete.

Katarina Mozetic - Department of Sociology and Human - UiO

The picture is the same if we consider only migrations from a new member state resulting from EU INTRA-EU MIGRATION FROM SLOVAKIA: AN EVALUATION OF NEW ECONOMICS OF LABOUR MIGRATION AND MIGRANT NETWORKS THEORIES Miloslav Bahna, Institute for Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute for Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Klemensova 19, 813 64 Bratislava, Slovak Republic. E-mail: This open access book puts the analysis of intra-European movement in the perspective of broader theoretical debates in migration studiesUnique empirical analyses of the consequences of intra-EU migration on the urban levelInnovative and comprehensive comparative research methodology intra-EU migration, with Romania at estimated 986.000 persons (592.000 in EU21) and Poland at estimated 400.000 (240.000 in EU21).

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At this point, it is almost impossible to anticipate how migration policies in Europe will evolve in the long run. Until now, it almost entirely focused on attracting high-skilled workers to the EU. 2019-08-16 · Using a network approach, we investigate the determinants of intra-EU migration flows between all 28 EU member states in the years 2001, 2005, 2008 and 2013. Our descriptive analysis of the networks of intra-EU migration flows shows that the EU migration space is dominated by two core destination countries (Germany and United Kingdom). Se hela listan på Intra–EU Migration in Germany, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, and France In this section we will focus on migration in Germany, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, and France (for which only data about the situation in 1990 and 1999 are available) – the five countries in which further research will be carried out.

13.4.2021 - 13.30. Migration  Pedersen, Peder J, (1996), “Aggregated Intra-Nordic and Nordic-EC Mobility”, i Peder Scandinavians without Borders – Skill Migration and the European  Skill migration between the Nordic countries in perspective of the European Pedersen , Peder J. ( 1993 ) , " Intra - Nordic and Nordic - EC labour mobility ” , i  Pekkala , S . & Tervo , H . [ 2002 ] , “ Unemployment and Migration : Does Moving Help ? 1911 – 1993 ” , European Economic Review , vol 41 , sid 1835 – 1852 .
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People exercising the free movement of workers, whether they are EU nationals or not, come under the concept of mobile workers. intra-EU migration, welfare chauvinism tends to be lower. Furthermore, the higher the percentage of East European immigrants compared to other EU immigrants, the higher the level of welfare chauvinism. Key words: Bismarckian and Beveridgean welfare system, Europe, intergroup contact theory, intra-EU immigration, welfare chauvinism The EU-Turkey deal was closed between the European Union and Turkey to close this dangerous route in March 2016, and illegal migration decreased significantly via this route since then. 2 INTRA-EU MIGRATION FROM SLOVAKIA: AN EVALUATION OF NEW ECONOMICS OF LABOUR MIGRATION AND MIGRANT NETWORKS THEORIES ABSTRACT: This paper focuses on migration from Slovakia in the context of migration from the 10 countries … 2017-07-09 2017-05-18 Intra-EU Labour Migration – Flows and Policy Responses 5 registration scheme in Finland that is used for monitoring purposes (compare EURES).

The popular narrative around intra-EU migration says that young people (aged 20-24) are migrating from southern, eastern, and central Europe and arriving in western and northern Europe.The numbers Publications Intra-EU mobility: The movement of EU nationals within the EU, whether within a Member State or between Member States, as mobile workers. In cases where this move is between Member States and at least semi-permanent, this constitutes internal migration. Shorter-term movement includes the phenomena of posted workers and cross-border commuters.
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Publikationer Centrum för global migration, Göteborgs

REMINDER investigated the social and economic consequences of intra-EU migration (or ‘mobility’) and how these relate to the media, public opinion and policy. Intra-EU labour migration may also result in growing job competition between mobile workers and established workers in migrant receiving countries.