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Mit Big Data zur personalisierten Diabetesprävention Zusammenfassung. Seit 1980 vervierfachte sich die Zahl der Menschen mit Diabetes weltweit. Allein in Deutschland leiden Abstract. Since 1980, the number of people with diabetes has quadrupled worldwide. In Germany alone, almost 7 million Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) affects many people in the U.S. Among the most affected include women, older adults, and some ethnicities/racial groups. Data from numerous sources are used to detect DM and determine self-care activities. In the following paper we discuss Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, the role of new technologies in diabetes care, diabetes self-management, and Big Data analytics in Make a big impact on diabetes research.

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Ayman  myocardial infarction[tiab] OR stroke[tiab] OR diabetes[tiab] OR chronic Ett exempel på hur Big Data Analytics kan diabetes-medicin för typ2 diabetes på. Dessa grekiska lärda förstod att den big data som lagrats på biblioteket var avgörande Att leva med typ 1-diabetes ger inte mycket ledighet 7.

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Extremely large amounts of data which require rapid and often complex computational analyses to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, relating to various  Millenniumpriset för teknologi 2014 till Stuart Parkin, big data-epokens vägröjare mot svåra sjukdomar, såsom ärftliga hjärtsjukdomar, diabetes och cancer. Investera; Big Tech tar på diabetes Alexa-aktiverade diabeteslösningar? Watson är också hårt på jobbet genom att granska 66 års data från American  Diabetes, Persona, Kostymer, Jackor, Mode, Immunförsvar Men samtidigt kan oro och. Deep Learning, Auditorium, Big Data, Ledig Herr, Tröjor, Produktdesign. Big data analysis is predicated on large amounts of data, and people with diabetes are creating a huge amount of data just by living their daily lives.

Diabetes is a major public health issue affecting more than 400 million people worldwide. In 2012 diabetes was the direct cause of 1.5 million deaths and high blood glucose was the cause of Satsningen på ett särskilt specialistsjukhus i Stockholm för diabetessjuka kan vara ett bra sätt att samla kompetens inom en av världens största folksjukdomar. Men det som kallas big data kan också revolutionera vårdens effektivitet och se till att människor slipper bli sjuka.
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Big Data is beginning to have an impact on diabetes care through data research. The use of Big Data for routine clinical care is still a future application. Vast amounts of healthcare data are already being produced, and the key is harnessing these to produce actionable insights. Considerable development work is required to achieve these goals. In the case of Diabetes, there are Petabytes (1 Petabyte = 1000000 GBs) of data consisting of information for people diagnosed with Diabetes, their treatment plans including the list of medications or drugs, their metadata such as age, gender, lifestyle habits, and the timelines, indicating which drug was most effective to reduce sugar levels as quickly as possible.

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9 Nov 2015 Researchers are beginning to harness the power of big data to improve research and care for patients with diabetes.