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a). Terra firma-forme dermatosis (TFFD) is a bizarre, acquired and idiopathic dermatosis. The disorder was initially reported as a distinct entity by Duncan et al., in 1987. The Latin phrase terra-firma means ′dry land′ and denotes a cutaneous discoloration resembling ′dirt′ (hence the alternative name Duncan′s Dirty Dermatosis… Terra firma-forme dermatosis is a relatively common but probably underestimated entity characterized by asymptomatic cutaneous pigmentation resembling dirty skin. Dermoscopy is a non-invasive Terra firma-forme dermatosis (TFFD), first described by Duncan in 1987, is a relatively common but probably underdiagnosed condition, characterized by a reticular hyperpigmented dirtlike eruption resistant to washing with common soap but typically removed with rubbing with 70% isopropyl alcohol. 2016-03-01 Terra-firma forme dermatosis is an underreported acquired pigmentation disorder caused by keratinocyte retention that is not mentioned in many textbooks. It is characterized by the onset of asymptomatic hyperpigmented patches or velvety plaques potentially involving any part of the body including the trunk, extremities and the skin folds such as neck, axilla, inguinal region, umbilical folds.

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La dermatosis neglecta o terra firma-forme dermatosis es una entidad clínica de etiología aún no bien conocida, que se caracteriza por la presencia de placas asintomáticas hiperpigmentadas, de superficie discretamente papilomatosa y aspecto sucio, que no pueden ser eliminadas con el lavado habitual, pero que desaparecen totalmente tras el frotamiento con alcohol etílico o isopropílico al 70%. Terra firma-forme dermatosis (TFFD), first described by Duncan in 1987, is a relatively common but probably underdiagnosed condition, characterized by a reticular hyperpigmented dirtlike eruption resistant to washing with common soap but typically removed with rubbing with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Terra firma-forme dermatosis (TFFD) is an acquired, benign, idiopathic dermatosis first described by Duncan and his colleagues in 1987. The name is derived from the Latin phrase ‘terra firma’ which refers to ‘dry land’. Terra firma-forme dermatosis is a cutaneous discoloration. ‘Dirty’ brown grey cutaneous patches and plaques that can be rid off by forceful swabbing with alcohol pads characterize it. The pathogenesis has been attributed to abnormal and delayed Terra firma‐forme dermatosis (TFFD) is a benign, yet little known disorder with very few cases reported in the literature.

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The clinical presentation ranges from patches of brownish discoloration to velvety hyperkeratotic plaques. Terra firma-forme dermatosis. Dermatosis neglecta, or terra firma-forme dermatosis, is a clinical entity whose etiology has still not been fully defined. Terra firma-forme dermatosis (TFFD) is an uncommon disorder of keratinization with an unknown etiology in which patients present with dirt-like lesions that are resistant to washing.

Terra forme dermatosis

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Her parents reported Se hela listan på Terra firma‐forme dermatosis is relatively common and most often occurs in children on the neck or posterior malleolus.

1987 May;123(5):567–9. Abstract Terra firma-forme dermatosis (TFFD) is a recently described cutaneous pigmentation disorder. It is a bizarre, acquired and idiopathic dermatosis and is characterized by brown, dirt-like discoloration that cannot be removed by bathing with water or rubbed off with routine detergent soap, but can be removed by isopropyl alcohol. Terra firma‐forme dermatosis Terra firma‐forme dermatosis Lora, Viviana; Ardigò, Marco; Catricalà, Caterina; Cota, Carlo 2014-02-01 00:00:00 To the Editor , We read with great interest the ‘Comment regarding the histopathology of Terra firma‐forme dermatosis’ of Berk and Mutizwa regarding the Cover Quizlet authored by Dalton and Pride. coexistence of terra firma-forme dermatosis. Familiarity with terra firma-forme can avoid unnecessary workups, but it is also important to recognize that papillomatous diseases such as CARP and acanthosis nigricans can possibly predispose patients to this entity.
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Greywal T, Cohen PR. Terra firma-forme dermatosis: A report of ten individuals with Duncan's dirty dermatosis and literature review. Dermatol Pract Concept. 2015 Jul 31;5(3):29-33. doi: 10.5826/dpc.0503a08.

The condition is marked by a delay in the keratinocyte  Dermatosis terra firma-forme. Terra firma-forme dermatosis.

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Hastaligin en onemli ozelligi lezyonlarin susabunla giderilemezken sadece %70 izopropil veya etil alkolle silinebilmesidir. Burada daha once epidermal In de internationale literatuur wordt de term phaeoderma hier niet zovaak voor gebruikt, gangbaarder is de term terra firma-forme dermatosis. Een bruine adherente schilfering kan ook ontstaan als de huid ter plaatse langdurig helemaal niet meer gewassen wordt, dit wordt dermatosis neglecta genoemd. pigmentation including dermatosis neglecta or lichen pigmentosus. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary referrals, biopsies, blood tests, and medications, we suggest a trial of wiping the skin lesion with 70% isopropyl alcohol pads when the diagnosis of terra-firma forme dermatosis is considered. Download Terra Firma Forme Dermatosis pdf.