A worker at a new clothing factory in Ashland, Pennsylvania, sews shirts. Distributed-Lag Models. A distributed-lag model is a dynamic model in which the effect of a regressor x on y occurs over time rather than all at once. In the simple  lag · 1. To fail to keep up a pace; straggle: a hiker who lagged behind his companions on the trail.

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During gaming, high latency can manifest in lag, which is the maddening delay between a player’s action and the game’s response - affecting performance, causing freezing or stuttering, and even crashing games. we lag behind in space exploration nos hemos quedado atrás en la exploración del espacio; English students are lagging behind their European counterparts los alumnos ingleses se están quedando atrás con respecto a sus homólogos europeos; los alumnos ingleses van a la zaga de sus homólogos europeos The new Radeon™ Anti-Lag feature in Radeon™ Software is designed to help reduce input lag in GPU-limited cases. Radeon Anti-Lag controls the pace of the CPU work to make sure it doesn't get too far ahead of the GPU, reducing the amount of CPU work queued up. Lag Report Jet lag is a physiological condition that results from alterations to the body's circadian rhythms caused by rapid long-distance trans-meridian (east–west or west–east) travel. Seasonal lag is the phenomenon whereby the date of maximum average air temperature at a geographical location on a planet is delayed until some time after the date of maximum insolation (i.e. the summer solstice). This also applies to the minimum temperature being delayed until some time after the date of minimum insolation.

This will ensure that wireless latency or interference isn't a factor in your  Definition of LAG (noun): period or delay between two events. Lagging indicators look backwards, through the rear window, at the road you've already travelled.

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En lag kan dels vara en av lagstiftande myndighet utfärdad föreskrift (författning) med ett antal (en eller flera) bestämmelser, dels en lagsamling, ett samlat verk av bestämmelser (till exempel common law, Code Napoléon och 1734 års lag, se nedan), ofta nedtecknad. About Lagged. Started in 2016, lagged.com is dedicated to providing the best free online games.
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Log In. or. Create New Account. See more of Soet en sout en lag saam on Facebook.

Har upphävts genom lag (2018:1248). 5. Den upphävda lagen gäller fortfarande i den utsträckning som det i en annan lag eller en förordning finns bestämmelser som innehåller hänvisningar till den lagen.
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