Telias smutsiga affärer göder Kazakstans härskare -
Teleoperatören Telia ska ha fått ett bud på sitt ägande i mobiloperatören Kcell som värderar bolaget till runt 600 miljoner dollar, runt 4,8 2011 02h30 HE | Source : Telia Company AB. TeliaSonera ökar ägandet i Kcell och förbereder börsnotering TeliaSonera har tecknat en 2) Telia Company direktäger 49 procent av LMT och kontrollerar bolaget Kcell. • Under 2017 avyttrande Telia Company det ryska intressebolaget MegaFon. Detta utgör en viktig milstolpe i Telia Companys historia", säger Johan Dennelind, vd och koncernchef för Telia Company. Efter Kcell-affären Teleoperatören Telia ska ha fått ett bud på sin kazakiska enhet Kcell värt 600 miljoner dollar, motsvarande cirka 4,7 miljarder kronor, enligt två källor med insyn.
Kcell's subscriber growth during the first half of this year was 18 percent, and at the end of June the company had 723,000 subscribers. TeliaSonera consolidates GSM Kazakhstan as a subsidiary with a 51 percent ownership via TeliaSonera´s Fintur operations. Telia’s mooted sale of its majority stake in Kcell to fixed-line provider Kazakhtelecom has been abandoned after the two parties failed to agree on a price. Telia Company divests its interest in Kcell and dissolves Fintur partnership with Turkcell Wed, Dec 12, 2018 08:00 CET. Telia Company and Fintur Holdings B.V. (Fintur), jointly owned by Telia Company and Turkcell, have agreed to sell their 75 percent holding in the leading Kazakhi telecommunications operator Kcell JSC, to the telecom operator Kazakhtelecom JSC, a company controlled by the Kazakh state-controlled telecommunications firm Kazakhtelecom has bought a 75 percent stake in local mobile operator Kcell from Sweden's Telia and Turkcell, Kazakhtelecom said on Wednesday.
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Redan i februari uppgav källor för Reuters att Kazakhtelecom hade lagt ett bud på Telias andel i Kcell, som värderade bolaget till omkring 600 miljoner Telia is selling a controlling stake in Kazakhstan’s largest mobile operator Kcell to Kazakhtelecom following a tender late in 2017, Russian news site CNews reported. Information on Telia’s website shows Kcell is listed on the London and Kazakhstan stock exchanges, with the operator currently owning a 60.4 per cent stake. Telia Company has already agreed to sell its stake in Kazakhstan mobile operator Kcell to national operator Kazakhtelecom, reports citing two undisclosed sources in the Kazakhstan Telia Company säljer innehavet i Kcell och upplöser partnerskapet med Turkcell i Fintur ons, dec 12, 2018 08:00 CET. Telia Company och Fintur Holdings B.V. (Fintur), som ägs gemensamt av Telia Company och Turkcell, har kommit överens om att sälja sitt innehav om 75 procent i den ledande kazakiska telekomoperatören Kcell JSC, till det kazakiska telekomföretaget Kazakhtelecom JSC som 2021-03-19 · Den kazakstanska operatören Kazakhtelecom har avslutat förhandlingarna med teleoperatören Telia om ett förvärv av mobiloperatören Kcell där Telia är storägare.
Avyttring av Kcell slutförd - Telia Company
Telia Company och Fintur Holdings B.V. (Fintur), som ägs gemensamt av Telia Company och Turkcell, har kommit överens om att sälja sitt innehav om 75 procent i den ledande kazakiska telekomoperatören Kcell JSC, till det kazakiska telekomföretaget Kazakhtelecom JSC som kontrolleras av den kazakiska staten genom investeringsfonden Samruk-Kazyna. Telia and Turkcell have sold their combined 75% stake in Kazakhstan’s KCell to the country’s state-owned operator Kazakhtelecom. In a deal worth $446 million, Telia is divesting the 24% stake it holds directly as well as the 51% stake it owns jointly with Turkcell via Fintur Holdings.
Teleoperatören Telia ska ha fått ett bud på sin kazakiska enhet Kcell värt 600 miljoner dollar, motsvarande cirka 4,7 miljarder kronor, enligt två källor med insyn. Det rapporterar Reuters. Enligt en annan källa ska budnivån ligga omkring 40 procent under Kcells marknadsvärde på omkring 600 miljoner dollar. Budgivaren ska vara Kazakhtelecom som
Teleoperatören Telia Company säljer sitt innehav på 75 procent i den kazakiska teleoperatören Kcell till det statliga kazakiska telekomföretaget Kazakhtelecom JSC. Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande. Telia Company has confirmed the sale of Kazakhstan mobile operator Kcell, which it jointly owns with Turkcell, to state-controlled operator Kazakhtelecom. The fixed operator will pay USD 446
Telia ökar ägandet i Kcell. Publicerad 2011-12-22 Telia Sonera fortsätter sin expansion österut.
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News broke the two were in discussions in January, with state-owned Kazakhtelecom the preferred bidder after a three-way tussle for Telia’s share in the Kazakhstan mobile operator. Telia Company Completes Divestment of Kcell Currently GSM Kazakhstan/Kcell is the cellular operator rendering services of GSM-900/1800 and UMTS/WCDMA 2100 MH standard. The mission of the Company is to make cellular communication available to all citizens of Kazakhstan, generating value to the utmost extent to its subscribers and rendering services of the highest quality. Telia Company and Fintur Holdings B.V. (Fintur), jointly owned by Telia Company and Turkcell, have agreed to sell their 75 percent holding in the leading Kazakhi telecommunications operator Kcell JSC, to the telecom operator Kazakhtelecom JSC, a company controlled by the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the sovereign wealth fund Samruk-Kazyna.
Analytiker, Stefan Billing. Kurs*, 36,42 SEK. Riktkurs, 43,00 SEK. Rekommendation, Köp. Uppsida*, 18,1%.
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Telia Company - Finansinspektionen
Information on Telia’s website shows Kcell is listed on the London and Kazakhstan stock exchanges, with the operator currently owning a … 2011-09-21 Telia Company has confirmed the sale of Kazakhstan mobile operator Kcell, which it jointly owns with Turkcell, to state-controlled operator Kazakhtelecom. The fixed operator will pay USD 446 Telia Company and Fintur Holdings B.V. (Fintur), jointly owned by Telia Company and Turkcell, have agreed to sell their 75 percent holding in the leading Kazakhi telecommunications operator Kcell JSC, to the telecom operator Kazakhtelecom JSC, a company controlled by the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the sovereign wealth fund Samruk-Kazyna. Telia Company has already agreed to sell its stake in Kazakhstan mobile operator Kcell to national operator Kazakhtelecom, reports citing two undisclosed sources in the Kazakhstan Telia Company and Fintur Holdings B.V. (Fintur), jointly owned by Telia Company and Turkcell, have agreed to sell their 75 percent holding in the leading Kazakhi telecommunications operator Kcell JSC, to the telecom operator Kazakhtelecom JSC, a company controlled by the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the sovereign wealth fund Samruk-Kazyna. Telia Company […] Telia Sonera köper 49 procent av aktierna i GSM Kazakhstan, som driver mobiloperatören Kcell, för 1 519 miljoner dollar (cirka 10,4 miljarder kronor), skriver teleoperatören i ett pressmeddelande. Kcell is the leading mobile operator in Kazakhstan with a market share of 70 percent.